Are You Putting Up With Unsteady Windows Without Realising It?

Windows are a very important feature not just for their aesthetic appeal, but because they allow those living inside to enjoy a fresh breeze during summer, as well as cooling the house down when it gets too stuffy. Due to their nature as an external fixture, windows often bear the brunt of every weather condition imaginable, and while they do hold up admirably, eventually they will need to be replaced for one reason or another. Here are a few signs that indicate you need window glass replacement in the near future or you might have an unfortunate accident on your hands.

Rattling Windows

If your windows make a significant noise due to the wind or when it rains then you should have that investigated, especially if it is only one or two windows in the same area. Windows should be pretty fairly set in their frames, so when they rattle it is a sign that something in either the frame or seal is loose, or perhaps the window glass itself is ill-fitted and needs to be swapped out for the correct size. Whatever the case may be, you should talk to a glazier about this as soon as possible.

Little Cracks Or Chips

Most people have this notion that if there is only a small crack or imperfection in your window that you can get away with leaving it alone for at least a little bit of time. How much harm can a small crack do, after all? The answer to that question is a lot. Once the windows structural integrity has been compromised, even by something so small as a single crack, the whole window becomes a safety hazard and can shatter under much less pressure than what was required to make that initial crack.


Pitting can occur from a number of different sources, but it is when little pieces of material such as dirt, gravel, other aggregates and even tiny bits of metal can get lodged in the window and show up as little specks that cannot be wiped away. For example, if you have recently had structural work done on the outside of your home and a welder was present, then this can be a cause for tiny chips to get pitted into your window. It can also occur naturally from things like heavy dust storms. Pitted windows are tough to repair and lose a bit of their strength, so it makes sense to use a window glass replacement to make sure your home is safely sealed once more.

Contact a window glass replacement service to learn more. 

About Me

Coloured glass for beautiful light

People are always amazed by the beautiful light I get in my art studio. I always like to see their expression the first time they get bathed in that golden light. Of course my hidden secret is that I have had some panels of yellow glass inserted to give the light an extra warmth. The effect that coloured glass can make ranges from dramatic and artistic splashes of colour, to delicate and subtle shifts in colour and mood. If you are inspired by coloured glass then keep reading this site, as I show examples from awe inspiring and beautiful glass windows.

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